Content experience: the new marketing content

Content experiences represent the power of creating experience, and here in this article you’ll find creative examples and best practices for influential content experiences.

The concept of a content experience will also be clarified. In fact, it’s a cross between content marketing and the user experience. It’s basically about organizing, mobilizing and making the best use of your content in the best possible way.

Building a content experience will take focus from large-scale content production to finding creative ways to regroup and promote your content.

All search engine optimization professionals tend to be a bit boring in this section because Google is a text-based program, but it really shouldn’t stop you from creating meaningful experiences that build confidence for your brand.

Why are meaningful virtual experiences more important now than ever?

The answer is simply because we’re tired of Zoom calls, flat texts and websites that all look the same. 2020 saw a lot of them all.

It’s time to take the idea of creating experiences from our user interfaces to create our own content.


What is content experience?

The content experience is the environment in which your content lives, how it is organized, and how your horizons and potential customers are forced to interact with your company.

Ultimately, mastering the content experience includes three elements:

  • A strategic approach to creating an environment in which your audience would consume your content.
  • Structure your content for easy discovery.
  • Encourage your audience to interact with you, and eventually turn it as you lead them through the buyer’s journey.

Amazing content experiences to increase your creativity

Now, let’s see how we can translate this definition into practical examples and best practices.

We have four areas that allow you to improve your content experience, and these areas are as follows:

The principle of the pyramid in content experiments

The pyramid principle is often used in executive summaries or press articles, it drives focus and attention.

The essence of the principle is this:

  • Get rid of the frustration of finishing projects.
  • Hand over your deadlines to independent experts who can finish each task before each deadline, and keep your work at full speed.
  • Get inspiration from journalists and start with the most important information in H1 and first paragraph, don’t bury the margins and hide your best information with a long introduction, extended text, and keyword stuffing

Even more, not every keyword or topic needs a long article to be useful.

Content experiences are an actual stopwatch for online content marketing, and here’s an example of the keyword and theme “Bill form.”

Who wants to read 2000 words when you search for this? Absolutely no one! you reduce frustration and provide value to the visitor immediately, and this will increase the likelihood of their participation later.

Resource Library

Applying pyramid principles to the entire website and blog means you’ll want to rethink your blog categories.

The order by date (such as WordPress and many other content management systems) is far from showing relevant information to users when they need it.

Think about your blog categories as resource libraries and build them that way.

This means that you will group your content by subject, type of content (video, e-book) or conversion phase (activation, sponsorship, sales).

If the topic is the child’s first year, it would be good to display information about sleep, nutrition and care neatly arranged at the top before showing the latest articles below.

Content experiences are a marketing of new content code class is actually a resource library.

You make it easier for users to find information relevant to them because you build your content according to context and needs.

Encourage interaction and create bases

Talking about children or a product of their own, requires a website that promotes useful sharing, which should contain a content policy first and not an e-commerce approach first.

But even if you go into the store, they make it easy and very useful to find the right products for you.

Store categories include a calculator that shows the size and quantity of products required.

Its content is useful, follows the pyramid principle, and continues to become an e-mail lead.

Avoid dead pages while distributing internal content

Do you know who can really use your content to support their efforts?

  • Your support team.
  • Your sales team.
  • Accounting.

You might be wondering? What does my bills have to do with creating my own content? Well, your receipt and your bills are a missed opportunity to educate, explain and build fans.

Why not include the best guidelines in automated receipt emails?

Content experiences are questions about the new product, so it should be very clear why this evidence is so useful to the support and sales team to highlight usage situations.

If you don’t have a sales team because you’re B2C, this information is still useful in creating improved class pages to improve search engines that are already enjoyable, not just some search engine improvement content that is placed at the bottom of the page.

It’s time to think creatively to excel with content experiences

In short, the content experience is the practice of engaging your visitors, creating powerful online experiences, and really helping.

  • Designing the content experience helps us get out of a vicious circle to create endless text walls.
  • It allows us to be creative and create more content that we already have.
  • It’s a tool to build trust, generate new potential customers and truly emerge as a brand.

Finally, and most importantly, it helps us, our search engine optimizers, content marketers, and content writers not to throw our efforts free of charge to pages that have never been visited.

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