Boost SEO through understanding your audience

Promoting your content through SEO starts with knowing what your audience is interested in, and understanding these three basic concepts will help keep you on the right track. Your site content exists for one purpose: to attract, delight and engage your target audience. The thinking process for content enhancement is usually limited to things like internal brainstorming, keyword research, or things we think are important to your business or service.


The concept of process enhancement of search engines

The process of enhancing your audience’s content involves discovering what the audience is interested in and relevant to your business, which includes three concepts, namely:

  • Understand how people search for things relevant to you.
  • Understand why people search for things relevant to you (intent).
  • Understand what people want to know about things related to you.

Keeping all three of these elements in mind is essential in knowing exactly what types of content you need to produce for your audience. Let’s take a more in-depth look at each of these concepts and how you can research them.

Enhance the understanding of how people are searching

Most experienced SEO professionals advise starting the process of determining the content your site needs by doing a keyword research. Good keyword research is essential, but it is only the beginning. One of the limitations of initial keyword research is that it only reveals the most popular terms and phrases used to research the topics important to your business. But in reality, people use all sorts of different words to search for something. To understand and cover all of the ways people search for your products, services, and related topics, you need to know linguistically relevant terms for your topics and keywords. The semantic relationship between any two words or phrases is evaluated by the degree of separation between them in common usage. In other words, the more people use words with each other, when talking about the same or similar things, the closer their semantic relationship will be. By analyzing huge samples of human language such as the search engine queries, we can determine the “degree of separation” between terms and phrases. The closer they are to each other, the stronger the semantic relationship, and the more priority they have been taken into account in your content plans. Semantic relationship research is very important to cover the realm of topics closely related to your main topics, so you must ensure that the keyword research tools you are looking for include some kind of semantic search capability. Understanding and researching semantic relationships can help you better cover your important topics with content geared toward the way real people are actually searching.

Enhance the understanding of why people are looking

The second understanding that is important in order to understand the terms of promotion for better SEO content focuses on users’ search intent. Research intent relates to what people actually want to achieve through their research. Most of the time people do not search randomly; They have a goal, a goal what they are trying to achieve. Categorization methods aim to enhance informatics research: the user wants to fill a knowledge gap on the topic. Navigation: The user is trying to find a specific source or site. Examples: “facebook”, “Nordstrom”, and “youtube”. Transactions: The user wants to buy something. Local search: The user is searching for something in their local area. Examples: “Asian food restaurants near”, “Shipping services near me”. In recent years, Google has been getting better at boosting search intent discovery for its users. We know this because when a new search term appears that seems vague at first, we will often see Google results initially on the first page that relate to various purposes. Then over time when Google sees what people click, the result tends to favor one intention over the other. Therefore, it is not enough to create content that explains how the searchers search for your topics (i.e. the words they use), but also why they are searching. In other words, your content has a better chance of ranking if it matches well with the intended search engines that most people think when using your keywords.

How to discover research intent

Since Google has become so adept at recognizing the most common search intent for a given query, and by doing so you can boost your content further, one of the best ways to discover that intent is to enter your Google keyword and look at the SERP. Does it have SERP features like featured snippets that people also ask about? Does the web’s best results seem to answer a question or provide basic facts on the topic? Then perhaps the intent of the research is informational. Are there a lot of pay-per-click (PPC) ads on the page, or are the most important web results being e-commerce sites (or sites selling a service)? Then perhaps the intent of the search is related to transactions. Does it contain map results, local listings, or are the top web results for businesses or entities near you? Then the target of the search may be local. There is also a limited set of tools that will provide the target of your keyword research, which usually rely on machine learning analysis of the search results and sometimes the content they link to.

How to use search intent to enhance SEO

  1. Let’s say your keyword is “women`s clothing”.
  2. Enter that in Google and see the first page of results.
  3. Four PPC ads and some Google product ads lead to the side:
  4. Right after the ads, a local map result appears with three stores near me:
    Women’s clothing Local Map Serp
    Then we come to the web results, which are all e-commerce sites for major brands.

Admittedly, there is a mixture of intent here, as Google has included a local map results box, but the majority of the page is taken up by pure transaction results. So, if you are targeting the keyword ‘women’s clothing’, you may want to make sure you have a page Well-Optimized Landing it contains women’s clothing for sale. Now search for “How to Buy Womenswear” and see how Google’s first page changes. We now see only one ad and a smaller product range, followed by the Quora page that answers the question “How to buy women’s clothing” and the “People also Ask” question. It appears that the primary purpose of the research for this query is informational. So you might want to get content that answers the question, such as a guide to choosing women’s clothing.

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