How to create digital marketing campaign

How to create a digital marketing campaign across websites

Creating a digital marketing campaign across websites is a complicated matter for some marketers, but it doesn’t have to be like that.

It actually needs continuous work from creating content for a number of articles related to each other to defining keywords and sub-keywords and uploading these articles on your website.

Steps to create digital marketing campaign across websites

In order to achieve great success through the creation of a digital marketing campaigns across websites, and to make you top in some of the keywords on Google, you must follow these steps in order to organize marketing campaigns across websites.

The steps include:

Define a number of sub-keywords and main keywords

Determine the number of sub and main keywords, and through them, you will create a number of articles on these main and sub-keywords that revolve around a specific topic or your field of work.


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Marketing through blogs

Video Marketing: rules of success


Setting the time for article publishing

When you publish articles with related keywords,  you should organize your posts as there should be set times for each article you post to be published on your website.

Write the content of your articles in a search engine-friendly manner

We talked a lot about the SEO-friendly content industry. In short, the SEO-friendly content industry needs to determine the most searched keywords on search engines, and it needs an attractive title consisting of 60 characters or less than 70 characters, and the content needs to be taken into account, or rather the density of the distribution of the keywords in the body of the article.

It also needs to use images and videos in the body of the article, and also use subheadings and headers that divide the body and paragraphs of the paper and makes them distinct.

Make the content of your article more than 1000 words long, the more content the more your creative content appears among search engines’ first results.

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Link the articles to each other

Link your articles by placing a backlink of articles related to each other that already exist on your website. With this step, you will succeed in appearing in the first results on the search engines.

Link your website articles to other sites

We mean that you place the backlink for your articles on other sites similar to your field of work. For example, to prepare an article about the importance of e-marketing in attracting clients and customers, you can put the link of this article in an article talking about e-marketing from another site that works in your field.

Post your articles on social media

After completing the uploading of the articles on your website and making the content of the articles compatible with the search engines, and after linking them with each other, publish these articles on the social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and other social sites.


The importance of creating digital marketing campaigns across websites

The process of creating a digital marketing campaign across websites induces great importance and many benefits and advantages that you will achieve through your use of this strategy that organizes your marketing work:

  1. Online marketing campaigns will help you bring your articles to the first results of search engines and in getting more potential customers and target customers.
  2. Through a digital marketing campaign on your website, you will succeed in gaining Google’s trust through your sequencing of related topics and ideas.
  3. You will succeed in organizing your marketing work and raise the ranking of your site on the Alexa website at the local and global levels.
  4. Your website and its interests will appear in some topics and ideas related to your field of work, for example, you prepare an article about the importance of digital marketing, another article about marketing services, another article about the role of digital marketing in bringing customers and another article about the right steps that help you to succeed in digital marketing.
  5. You will achieve your marketing goals by reaching your services and products by making them appear in the search engines on the first pages, and thus you will gain the confidence of customers.

What tools will help you manage your website?

There are many tools that will help you in managing your website when creating various digital marketing campaign and thus will achieve marketing goals. Among the most prominent of these tools are: in order to succeed in digital marketing operations and to succeed in targeting your audience, you must use these tools:

  • Keyword targeting and website analysis tools

These tools will help you determine the strength of the main and sub keywords and thus help you to identify the keywords with few competitors that will make you enter the competition and choose them. Also, these tools will help you analyze websites, identify backlink types, and analyze competing sites for you.

From these tools, you will be able to identify the most searched keywords in the search engines, and these tools will be the sail of the ship that makes it easier for you to walk in the depths of the sea.

Among these tools that provide you with in-depth statistics and data about the start of your business on your website or the results of competitors’ sites are:

  1. Ubersuggest
  2. SeoStack Keyword Tool v1.1.7
  3. keyword tool
  4. Semrush
  5. kwfinder
  6. Google Adwords
  7. Google Analytics
  8. Ahrefs
  • Headlines analysis tool

This tool helps you analyze article titles before downloading them to websites and helps you determine article titles, strengths, and relevance with SEO.

Through this tool, you will be able to put very powerful titles for your articles to appear on the first pages of search engines.

Digital marketing services

Companies specializing in digital marketing are distinguished by the fact that they provide many marketing services, which constitute a pivotal and important factor in serving the goals of companies and institutions, achieving their ambition, and developing and developing their marketing business.

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