Social Media Companies in Istanbul

Digital marketing companies, especially social media marketing companies, have lately multiplied in Turkey and made of Istanbul their Capital city.

These companies offer paid marketing services on Social Media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest and other world-renowned Social Media sites.

We are in the process of identifying some of the companies that offer these services in Istanbul, Turkey. Some of them, in fact, also offer courses to teach these specialties.

Read also: Digital marketing companies; what drives you to them?

Digital marketing courses in Istanbul

There are many companies and training centers offering training courses in the Social Media in Istanbul, Turkey.

One of them is the Orient Media Foundation in Istanbul, which offers a training course entitled “Marketing via social media sites”.

The training is held at the company’s headquarters in Istanbul for a period of 5 days, supervised by trainer Mutassim Al-Ahmad and for the price of $375.

National Training & Consultancy also offers several courses that help develop business on the Social Media.

These include: Productivity Improvement course by improving quality and reducing costs, and the training is supervised by the director of the Centre himself.

There is also a certified brand manager course offered by the Director as well.

There is a diploma in online marketing, search machines and paid campaigns delivered by international trainer M. Abdul Razek Mohammed Khalid. The duration of the course is 5 consecutive days and costs $400, including the full scientific material and the certificate of completion of the course.

In addition to the 30-hour web design course with WordPress, spread over a full month.

A certificate certified by the Turkish Government, which costs 500 Turkish Liras, and is supervised by the Euro Matich training centre.

Social Media Companies in Istanbul

Ma Global Group is a digital marketing and integrated digital solutions company. It contributes to the high sales ratio by managing successful advertising campaigns on Social Media and search engines.

Orient Media Foundation in Istanbul, which oversees the presentation of many training courses in Social Media and online marketing in general, as well as National Training & Consultancy which oversees the presentation of several training courses in Social Media.

Euro Matich training centre in Istanbul offers courses in online marketing.

2p provides relationships and digital marketing services, and brings together a dedicated team in the fields of digital content design, production and conference organizing as well.

Roid net is another online marketing company which targets Social Media, such as Facebook and Instagram. It also offers other digital services and solutions.


If you are looking for any of our digital marketing and advertising campaign management services, we at MA Global Group offer you various marketing and campaign management services, and ensure that you reach the desired goals.

To learn about all the other services we offer, you can visit the services page here.

We are a marketing company and we are proud to be Google’s partner, a partnership you can view through this link.

You can also contact us and get to know our team better right through here.

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