How to choose a keyword compatible with SEO

A keyword is a search term entered on Google (or another search engine), which has a results page where websites are listed in a specific order.

It can be more broadly defined as the search terms that the website owner, or search engine optimizer, will use to improve the website in the hope of ranking google’s top score for specific keywords.

The importance of using a keyword

Keywords are important for the following reasons:

  • They can be targeted by search engine marketing.
    When your website is listed at the top of search results, this keyword acts as a free source to bring visitors to your website.
  • If you have an ad budget, you can place pay-per-click (PPC) ads on specific keywords.
    That’s how Google Ads works.
  • In general, a large number of advertisers will be focusing on a keyword that involves the kind of monetary measures that are worth paying for the ad price.
  • As you develop a marketing strategy for your website, you’ll need to choose specific keywords to target on your website.
    By improving search engines (SEO) and marketing through content, you can get basically high ratings (not over ads).

Keyword types

You must use different keywords to target different audiences at each stage.

This way, you can reach a wider range of people and increase your chance of securing visitors and customers.

Short keyword

A short keyword consists of three words or less, and sometimes they are also called the keyword.

Short-tailed keywords have a great deal of search volume but are also highly competitive.

You can use a short keyword when you are in the first step of looking for things.

It is therefore extremely difficult to define the objective of a clear search for short keywords.

Long keyword

A long keyword consists of more than 3 words, and is also more specific than short keywords.

They have a much lower search volume compared to a short keyword, but they make up for it by being less competitive.

The most important thing you should know with a long keyword is that you can easily set the search goal.

New short-term keyword

When you think of new keywords, you should think of something that has just been put forward and is already popular with people, because it’s going to be very much searched for just a specific period of time.

Long-term, permanent keyword

Being relevant all the time, the search volume may fluctuate every now and then but there will be no drastic changes.

The goal is that you can make sure that from the moment you publish something that focuses on the permanent keyword to even two years later, there will still be users looking for it and wanting to read about it.

So for pieces that focus on the standing keyword, keep it updated maybe once a year.

Over time, you’ll have a large number of views for that content.

Content related to permanent keywords tends to be informative and educational.

Keyword for product identification

These are the keywords that explain and describe your product.

It’s not just a keyword tool, but it can be defined as a word that targets customers in the first buying phase.

A keyword to identify customers

You have your target, don’t you? If you don’t, create a profile for your target audience.

Are they mostly male or female? How old are they? Where are they from? What’s their job?

The more detailed you are, the more information you can use to your advantage.

Keywords with targeting purpose

When a user makes a query, their intention will fall into these three categories:

  • Informatics.
    Users want general information about a particular item or topic, so use keywords such as benefits, methods, and fact-guiding, aimed at educating the reader.
  • Commercial.

Users who have a more serious business intention to make a purchase would start using keywords such as: specifications, expiration date, place of origin, shipping charges, etc. to provide clearer and specific information to the product.

  • Transactions
    This is the last step before the user makes an order, at this stage, they compare products from multiple stores and try to get the best.

Use keywords such as: best price, sale, best quality, guaranteed, etc. to make them feel comfortable buying from you.

Free tools to search for a keyword for my website

Free tools:

Google AdWords: Keyword Chart

Being the most popular option, this free tool has been a favorite for many years.

Google’s keyword chart is not only a good choice when you start a new website, but it can also be your best friend as you grow and produce more content.

It’s easy to see the basic benefit of this tool, so you can pull information directly from Google, the search engine you’re likely to target, when you improve your website.

Ubersuggest tool

Are you heavily dependent on Google Keyword Planner?

If so, expect this tool to provide you with all the keywords and data you need to make informed decisions. Although this is usually true, it’s important to remember that you might not get as much data as you think.

But Ubersuggest provides you with keywords that are not available through Google Keyword Planner.

Keyword In tool

If you want to “Integrate your keywords in an easy way,”you are in the right place.

It all starts with a keyword or long-tailed keywords.

From there, this tool mixes everything together, providing you with a long list of possible keywords.


If you are looking for digital marketing services, we at MA Global Group offer you various areas of expertise and ensure that you reach your goals.

We are a marketing company and have a partnership with Google, the details of which you can see through this link.

You can also contact us and get to know us and our team here.

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